Mission statement
Charnwood College Academy is committed towards enabling all learners to make significant progress in knowledge, understanding and skills, in attitudes and in values, as social beings and as lifelong learners. We nurture aspirations for all and understand that some individual children will need additional help in progressing towards their goals.
All staff and governors actively support inclusion and the principles outlined in our SEN policy; working hard to ensure that provision is made for those who need it and that all children are given the opportunities to be the best they can be.
- We believe that by working in partnership with our children, their families and external colleagues much can be done towards overcoming the challenges our young people face. Our commitment to this is outlined in the policy.
Aims and Objectives
- We aim to address the special educational need or disability of each individual student so they can:
- Access a broad and balanced education
- Develop a clear pathway through education to adulthood, paid employment and independent living
- Experience success in learning and reach their full potential
- Enjoy greater self-esteem knowing their opinions and achievements are valued
- Work towards independence
We aim to address the special educational need or disability of each individual by:
- Identifying needs as early as possible. This is most effectively done by gathering information from parents, education, health and care services prior to the child’s entry into the school
- Monitoring the progress of all students in order to aid the identification of those with SEN. Continuous monitoring of those students with SEN by their teachers will help to ensure that they are able to reach their full potential
- Making appropriate provision to overcome all barriers to learning and ensure students with SEN have full access to a mainstream curriculum. This will be co-ordinated by the SENDCo and will be carefully monitored and regularly reviewed in order to ensure that individual targets are being met and all students needs are catered for
- Working in collaboration with parents/carers to gain a better understanding of their child and involve them in all stages of their child’s education. This includes supporting them in terms of understanding SEN procedures and practices, providing regular reports on their child’s progress and providing information on the provisions for students within the academy as a whole and the effectiveness of the SEN policy and the support systems
- Working in conjunction with external support agencies when needs cannot be met by the academy alone
- Creating an environment where students feel safe to voice opinions of their own needs. This may mean providing regular one to one meetings between students and the SENDCo/member of the SEN Team. Student participation is a right. This will be reflected in decision-making but also encouraged through wider opportunities for participation in academy life.
To achieve these goals we strive to:
- Embrace The Children and Families Act 2014
- Follow the 2014 (Updated 2020) Code of Practice and the Disability Equality Duty for children with SEN and disabilities (SEND) with an inclusive approach
- Promote a flexible and imaginative organisational structure in which learning needs can be met and personalised programmes of work can be agreed with colleagues, parents and students
- Continually liaise with teaching and support staff in identifying and assessing students' needs
- Promote access to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum
- Monitor and evaluate progress for students with SEN and disabilities
- Complement the delivery of quality first teaching and adaptation
- Provide bespoke reasonable adjustments
Work closely with our partners within the Trust and our partners within the local authority to provide a common framework to provide essential provision for all
Identifying Special Educational Needs
Children have a Special Educational Need (SEN) if they have:
significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age,
or have
a disability that prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age.
Education Act 1996
There are four broad areas of need as defined in the SEND Code of Practice, 2020.
1) Communication and Interaction: a student could have speech, language or communication needs. Students may have ASD.
2) Cognition and Learning: students may struggle and have moderate learning difficulties (MLD), severe learning difficulties (SLD) or profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). Some students have specific learning difficulties (SpLD); these may affect more than one aspect of learning. For example, dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.
3) Social, emotional and mental health difficulties: students may become withdrawn or isolated as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviours. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression and self-harming or substance misuse.
4) Sensory and physical needs: some students may require provision because they have a disability which prevents them or hinders them from making use of educational facilities generally provided. These may include visual impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI). Some students may have a physical disability (PD) where they require on-going support and equipment to help them access the same range of opportunities as their peers.
Other factors that may impact on progress and attainment but are not SEND:
- Behaviour
- Attendance and punctuality
- Health and welfare
- Being a looked after child
- Being in receipt of Pupil Premium grant
- Being a child of a serviceman/woman
- Disability (the Code of Practice outlines the ‘reasonable adjustment’ duty for all settings and the schools provided under current Disability Equality legislation – these alone do not constitute SEN)
A graduated approach to SEND support
Students with Special educational Needs are identified as early as possible. Close liaison takes place with relevant staff from primary schools prior to entry in year 7. Students with SEND are also supported into Post 16 education and Higher Education.
The majority of students with SEND have been identified as such in their primary school and so on arrival at Charnwood College their needs are well known.
The Learning support faculty maintains good relationships with its main feeder primary schools through regular contact between the SENCOs.
Formal records are received in advance of students’ transfer and the SENDCo visits primaries to meet and discuss students who will be transferring the following Autumn.
Information received from primary schools is reviewed at the start of year7 to determine the most appropriate support for each student.
Students can also be assessed for a Special Educational Need after their arrival at Charnwood College and can be recommended by subject teachers, pastoral staff or parents to be assessed. This will be carried out initially by the SENDCo who may decide to seek further assessment and advice from the Specialist teaching service or another outside agency.
Students are only identified as SEND if they do not make adequate progress once they have had all the intervention/adjustments and good Quality First Teaching.
Parents are informed at the beginning of year 7 if their child is being placed on the College’s Special Educational Needs Record. If it becomes appropriate to add a student to the SEN record while they are at Charnwood College, parents are similarly informed. The faculty aims to seek the advice of parents in this situation and to take their knowledge of the student into account in making a decision.
A clear system of record keeping and communication is established within the college. A process of identification, assessment and provision, in accordance with the code of practice, is established. This approach recognises that there is a continuum of Special educational needs which may change over time.
Provision for students with Special Educational Needs is a matter for the college as a whole. In addition to the Governing Body, the Principal, the SENDCo and Learning Support Team, and all other members of staff have important operational responsibilities.
All teachers are teachers of students with Special Educational Needs and Quality First Teaching is an expectation of all teaching staff:
- Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the students in their class, including where students access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.
- High quality teaching, differentiated for individual students, is the first step in responding to students who have or may have SEND.
- Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching.
- The college regularly and carefully reviews the quality of teaching for all students, including vulnerable learners. This includes reviewing and where necessary improving teachers understanding of strategies to identify and support vulnerable students and their knowledge of the SEND most frequently encountered.
- The subject teacher and SENDCo decide whether to make special educational provision by considering all of the information gathered from within the school about the student’s progress, alongside national data and expectations of progress. This includes high quality and accurate formative assessment, using effective tools and early assessment materials.
- For higher levels of need, the college may draw on more specialised assessments and advice from external agencies and professionals such as the Specialist Teaching Service, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology Services, Speech and Language, Autism Outreach Service or ADHD Solutions.
- When subject teachers conclude that the strategies they are currently using to support the student are not resulting in the student learning as effectively as possible or they are not making expected progress, they will refer the student to the SENDCo, providing evidence of the strategies used as well as progress and attainment data.
- A series of cognitive tests may be used for further clarity and to help identify need.
- This process is based on the graduated approach in the SEND Code of Practice of Assess, Plan, Do, Review. Needs are assessed, a plan is drawn up in consultation with the student and parent to cater for the needs of the student, the plan is implemented and finally reviewed to measure effectiveness. This approach fully involves the young person and their family, and they are kept informed throughout the process as well as being asked for their input on a regular basis.
The governing body undertakes, in accordance with its responsibilities under the SEN Code of Practice, to do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made to support pupils with a special educational need/disability at Charnwood College to:
- access the curriculum
- access the facilities on the campus
- participate to the fullest extent possible in the life of the College
To this end they will strive to ensure that provision is made for pupils with disabilities and/or SEN that is:
additional to or different from the educational provision made generally for children of their age in LEA maintained schools (other than special schools).
Education Act 1996
The governing body will take an active interest in the provision for students with disabilities and/or SEND and one of its members will take on specific responsibility for the oversight of this work.
The SEND Governor is appointed annually by the full governing body.
The governing body will keep the College's SEND policy under review and will monitor both the policy and the College's provision to ensure that it continues to provide appropriately for students with SENDin the College.
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO)
The governing body will ensure that the College appoints an appropriate person to act as the Special Educational Needs Coordinator. This person will have responsibility under the Executive Principal for the day-to-day coordination of Special Needs provision within the College.
The SENDCO, Mrs A Tyers, can be contacted by email on or telephone 01509 554400.
Arrangements for Coordinating SEN Provision
The following are the main responsibilities undertaken by the SENCO:
- leading on strategic issues related to SEN and Disability Equality
- overseeing the day-to-day operation of the College's SEN policy
- coordinating provision for all pupils on the SEN Record
- management of the work done to teach and support students with disabilities
and/or SEND teaching assistants who are members of the Learning Support Faculty - arranging for the formal and informal assessment of students' needs
- maintaining the SEND Record and the records kept on students, ensuring that they are as full, accurate and up-to-date as possible
- liaising with Faculties and advising teachers with regard to the needs of students and teaching strategies to meet these needs
- contributing to the College's continuing Professional Development programme with reference to teaching strategies to address students' special educational needs
- liaising with feeder primary schools in connection with transition issues
- liaising with parents in connection with the welfare and progress of their children
- liaising with various outside agencies with respect to the education and welfare of students
- management of the Learning Support Centre in the College and of the Learning Support resources budget
- reporting regularly to the Principal and to the governing body on the work of the Learning Support Faculty
- contributing to the College's Improvement Plan
The Learning Support Faculty includes a team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) and subject specific Teaching Assistants, led by the SENDCO and Assistant SENDCO. The majority of these staff provide support for learning either in-class or in withdrawal situations. They specialise in supporting access to learning in the lessons, as well as developing students' basic literacy and numeracy skills.
The Learning Support Team have their own specialisms. Some of the team specialise in supporting students' social and emotional development and some of the team specialise in providing more personal support for pupils with health or mobility difficulties (e.g. cerebral palsy). This support facilitates their access to the buildings, facilities and equipment as well as the curriculum.
Teaching Assistants (TAs) take on greater responsibility for the organisation and management of provision for students with disabilities and/or SEND.
Arrangements for the Admission of Students with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities.
Charnwood College strives to be a fully inclusive school.
The governing body acknowledges and respects the right of children with a special educational need or disability to be educated within the mainstream. They further acknowledge, in accordance with Section 316 of the Education Act 1996, that if the parent of a child with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) wishes their child to be educated in mainstream, a place must be found for them unless this is incompatible with the efficient education of other children and there are no reasonable steps that can be taken to prevent this incompatibility. All students are welcomed to the College, including those with a special educational need or disability, whether this involves a learning difficulty or a need that involves a difficulty with mobility and physical access to the campus and facilities.
In considering applications from parents for their child to be admitted to the College, consideration will be given to the LA's published admissions criteria and procedures.
This policy gives priority to the preference of parents with regard to the school at which a student is given a place. In the event that a chosen school is oversubscribed or is not the catchment school, priority will be given to students with an Education Health and Care Plan.
All other students with SEND will be considered for a place in line with the criteria outlined in the School's Admissions Policy.
Facilities for Students with Special Educational Needs / Disabilities
In line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy and Accessibility Plan, Charnwood College is focused on ensuring the school environment is physically accessible for all students. This includes having full risk assessments in place and personalised evacuation plans as and when required.
Charnwood College will always endeavour to ensure that equipment in school is suitable for the needs of the students on roll. If the school is required to obtain equipment to support a physical disability, the school will attempt to seek funding as appropriate and make reasonable adjustments in order to meet needs. This may involve working alongside the local authority, commissioning an assessment and taking advice from an Occupational Therapist.
The College has two classrooms dedicated to targeted intervention, teaching and learning of students with disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs. Resources are constantly reviewed and kept up to date. There is an office for the Learning Support Faculty adjacent to these classrooms, which provides a management base for SEN in the College.
There has been extensive work done to buildings and the environment at the College to facilitate access for disabled students (and adults). Three specially adapted toilets are provided in different blocks and there are lifts to accommodate wheel chairs or people using other mobility aids in E and S blocks.
Funding for SEN
The governing body undertakes to ensure that the funding received from the Local Authority for the provision of education for students with Special Educational Needs and disabilities, particularly those with an Educational Health and Care Plan will be used for that purpose. This could consist of access to additional classroom support, targeted interventions or specific resources.
Identifying Students with Special Educational Needs / Disabilities
The majority of students with a disability and/or special educational need have been identified as such in their primary school and so on arrival at Charnwood College their special needs are well known.
The Learning Support Faculty maintains good relationships with its main feeder primary schools through regular contact between the SENDCos.
Formal records are received in advance of students' transfer and the SENDCo visits primaries to meet and discuss students who will be transferring the following Autumn.
Information received from primary schools is reviewed at the start of Year 7 to determine the most appropriate support for each student.
Students can also be assessed for a Special Educational Need after their arrival at Charnwood College and can be recommended by subject teachers, pastoral staff or parents to be assessed. This will be carried out initially by the SENDCO who may decide to seek further assessment and advice from the LA's Specialist Teaching Service or another outside agency.
In deciding whether to place a child onto the SEN Record reference is made to the LA's document "Revised Code of Practice: Special Educational Needs - Criteria for Placement".
Students are, as far as possible, actively involved in the process of their assessment.
Parents are informed at the beginning of Year 7 if their child is being placed on the College's Special Educational Needs Record. If it becomes appropriate to add a student to the SEN Record while he or she is at Charnwood College, parents are similarly informed. The Faculty aims to seek the advice of parents in this situation and to take their knowledge of the student into account in making a decision.
There are currently two stages at which a pupil may be placed on the SEN Record.
- SEN Support: classroom teachers have initial responsibility for this and will ensure that parents are regularly kept informed if their child is experiencing difficulties. Pupils whose needs are not easily met through normal classroom differentiation will undergo in house assessment to draw up a support plan supported by the SENDCo.
- Educational Health & Care Plan (EHCP): This stage is identified by the code, as where the Local Authority takes the lead in assessing pupils and providing/reviewing EHCPs.
The Graduated Approach: Assess, Plan, Do, Review
Our teachers closely monitor the progress made by all students and ask advice from the SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo as soon as they have concerns about any student. We have close links with our feeder primary schools and this helps us to understand the needs of SEND students before they arrive.
Formal records are received in advance of students’ transfer and the SENDCo visits primary schools to meet and discuss students who will be transferring the following Autumn. Information received from primary schools is reviewed at the start of Year 7 to determine the most appropriate support for each student. We use Key Stage 2 teacher assessment and base line testing such as The New Group Reading test (NGRT) to identify which students will require SEND support.
The majority of students with a disability and/or special educational need have been identified as such in their primary school and so on arrival at Charnwood College their special educational needs are well known.
Students can also be assessed for a Special Educational Need after their arrival at Charnwood College and can be recommended by subject teachers, pastoral staff or parents to be assessed. This will initially be carried out by the SENDCo (Special Edcuational Needs Co-ordinator) who may decide to seek further assessment and advice from the LA’s Specialist Teaching Service or another outside agency. The SENDCo is Mrs A Tyers.
In deciding whether to place a child onto the SEN record, reference is made to the Local Authority’s document Revised Code of practice: Special Educational Needs – Criteria for Placement.
There are four areas of special need:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, Emotional and mental health
- Sensory and /or Physical.
The school will follow a graduated approach to identifying the support a student may need. The SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo can also help teachers to plan activities such as small group work or special programmes to help the students. If these activities don’t help the student make better progress the SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo might suggest other programmes or temporary additional support where available, or ask for advice or assessment from an external specialist service. If the students still does not make progress, the SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo, form tutor or subject teacher will meet with parents/carers and student to jointly agree that additional SEND support will be put into place.
We will inform all new year 7 parents if their child has been placed on the SEND register. We will also inform parents if we feel your child has made necessary progress and no longer needs to remain on the SEND register. The faculty aims to seek the advice of parents in this situation and to take their knowledge of the students into account in making a decision.
As soon as a child’s SEND has been identified, we will contact parents and discuss plans that will help him or her make better progress. For the vast majority of students, special educational needs can be met through Quality First Teaching within the classroom.
As a part of the planning stage of the graduated approach, we will set outcomes that we want to see your child achieve.
Whenever we run an intervention with your child, we will assess them before the intervention begins. This is known as a ‘baseline assessment’. We do this so we can see how much impact the intervention has on your child’s progress.
We will track your child’s progress towards the outcomes we set over time and improve our offer as we learn what your child responds to best.
This process will be continual. If the review shows a pupil has made progress, they may no longer need the additional provision made through SEN support. For others, the cycle will continue and the school's targets, strategies and provisions will be revisited and refined.
The school will apply to the Joint Council of Qualifications for access arrangements at Key Stage 4 where there is a history of need eg access arrangements were in place in the primary school or where testing demonstrates that the standardized reading score is 85 or below.
We will inform parents in writing if the JCQ has agreed an exam concession. We will ask parents to encourage their child to use this concession by discussing it with them at home.
Access to the Curriculum
Charnwood College aims to offer a broad and balanced curriculum in accordance with the National Curriculum. It aims to offer all students the opportunity to achieve success in their studies and as many GCSEs or vocational qualifications as possible.
Students with Special Educational Needs are specifically included in this aim.
All students with disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs are taught in mainstream classes and many also receive support to allow them to access learning and to succeed to the best of their ability.
The College has high aspirations for students with disabilities and/or SEN, as for all pupils, and targets are regularly set and monitored to assess their progress and achievement.
Students with diagnosed specific learning difficulties are assessed by the Specialist Teaching Service to see whether they qualify for exams concessions.
Teachers are expected to personalise learning by making reasonable adjustments and adaptations to ensure that all students are able to access the curriculum and are fully involved in learning in class. This may involve things like using more practical learning or providing more scaffolded approaches to support writing. The teacher will also put in place specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENDCo or specialists from outside agencies) to enable students to access the learning tasks. Student voice is paramount in identifying strategies which work. Students have an IEP attached to the register on Bromcom, outlining these strategies for all teachers to access. These are updated termly or more frequently if the need arises.
LSAs and TAs support students’ access to learning in class and provide structured intervention, under the guidance of the SENDCo to students who have been identified as requiring further support. Intervention classes support development of literacy, numeracy, emotional regulation or social communication.
All students are expected to complete homework on time. Additional support is provided at lunchtime in the learning support base as well as at homework club every evening from Monday – Wednesday.
Access to College Activities
The College offers all students the opportunity to participate in a range of educational activities. The College makes appropriate arrangements to allow students with disabilities and/or SEN to participate alongside their peers and to be included in activities in such a way that they are able to take part in the same activity.
To this end, staff make adjustments to activities, equipment and procedures to allow this to happen.
Students may also be supported in their participation by their teacher, by LSAs, other adults or by other students.
What support is in place for looked after and previously looked after children with SEN?
There are two designated teachers for looked after children and previously looked after children. The college works collaboratively to make sure that all teachers understand how a looked after or previously looked after pupil’s circumstance and their SEN might interact and what the implications are for teaching and learning.
Children who are looked after or previously looked after will be supported much in the same way as any other child who has SEND. However, looked after pupils will also have a personal education plan (PEP). We will make sure that the PEP and any SEN support plans or EHC plans are consistent and complement one another.
Support that is available for improving emotional and social development
The learning support base is open at break and lunchtimes to support students with homework and it is a place to meet friends. There are members of staff present to support students.
All students have an SEN profile to inform staff of needs and strategies to use in the classroom. These are updated termly.
All students access a tutor programme and access personal development within the curriculum.
We have a range of programmes within school to support the emotional and social development of students including Evolve, Teen health and ELSA interventions. We do respond to the needs to the individual, tailoring an individual programme of support if needed. We utilise many agencies for support if we need expertise beyond our own staff.
Evaluation of SEN Provision
The governing body makes use of the following criteria in monitoring and evaluating the success of provision for students with disabilities and/or SEN:
- The maintenance of accurate, up-to-date records by the SENDCo
- Evidence from classroom observations by the Senior Leadership team
- Analysis of data including GCSE results, projected grades and levels and key assessments
- Monitoring of procedures and practice by the SEN governor
- The College's Self Evaluation process
- Evidence from Ofsted inspections
- The College's Improvement Plan
- Reports to the Academy Scrutiny Committee's Welfare and Behaviour Committee
- The SEN Governor will send a report to the Academy Scrutiny Committee
Complaints about SEN Provision
The governors are open to representation from parents of students with disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs concerning any complaints they may have about the education of their child, specifically related to their individual needs and the provision being made for their child.
It is hoped that in the first instance differences and problems can be resolved through discussions between the parents and the SENDCo. If the parent is not satisfied with the outcome at this stage they should follow the procedure laid down in the College's Complaints Policy.
Should matters still not have been resolved to the parents' satisfaction, they can address their concern to the Executive Principal or to the SEN Governor at the College, preferably in writing.
The governing body undertakes to investigate any complaint referred to them by a parent and to attempt to resolve any differences that may have arisen between the parent and the College over the SEN provision for their child.
They will report their findings and the outcomes of any investigation to the parents.
Staff Training
The College's Continuing Professional Development Programme includes topics directly related to students with disabilities and/or SEN and developing the knowledge and use of strategies and techniques for teaching. Topics are decided with reference to the College's Improvement Plan. The SENDCo contributes to the delivery of these training sessions.
The SENDCo delivers an introductory session for new teachers as a part of the College's staff induction programme.
There is a specific in-house training programme for Learning Support Assistants aimed at developing their skills in supporting students with disabilities and/or SEN.
Members of the Learning Support Faculty attend courses and conferences where these are of particular relevance provided by outside agencies and independent providers. Where possible, training sessions are provided by outside agencies on College premises.
Relationships with outside agencies
The Learning Support Faculty has links with a wide range of agencies outside the school and seeks to maintain excellent working relationships with them to the benefit of students.
These agencies are the following:
- The Hearing Impaired Service
- The Visually Impaired Service
- The Autism Outreach Service
- The Specialist Teaching Service for assessment of SEN students, support for individual students and advice and training for staff
- ADHD Solutions
- The NHS Occupational Therapy Service for assessment and advice regarding accessibility
- The LA's Educational Psychology Service for assessment and advice about individual students and for staff training
- The School Nurse for health related issues
- Leicestershire Social Care Services where they are involved with students or their families
- The Inclusion Service
- SENA Service
- The virtual school deliver trauma informed training and advice to staff in addition to supporting students who are Looked After
Relationships with Parents
Charnwood College values the input of parents to the success of the education of their children with disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs, and seeks to encourage their active interest and involvement.
Teachers and other staff seek to work with parents to support students in the most appropriate and effective ways possible. They acknowledge and value their unique knowledge and experience of their children's special needs, their strengths and the strategies that are most effective in helping them to learn. They seek to encourage them to share this knowledge with staff for the benefit of their child's education and welfare. Staff are always eager to talk to parents and parents are welcome to email, write or telephone the Learning Support office.
Parents will be informed that their child is placed on the SEN Record and of the outcome of any assessments carried out. Parents of students with an Education Health and Care Plan are invited to Annual Review meetings and provided with all relevant information and copies of documents relating to the process.
Formal information for parents on student progress, targets and performance will be provided through the College's normal reporting system.
Parents are welcome to be supported in meetings and in their dealings with the Learning Support team by such agencies as the CFWS.
Links with Other Schools and Colleges
The College seeks to maintain active links concerning SEN with its main feeder primary schools.
The SENCO is in regular contact with the SENCOs of our feeder schools to discuss the transition of pupils between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3.
Students are visited in their primaries and a significant number make pre-induction visits to familiarise themselves with the campus and for Charnwood College staff to meet and to get to know them.
The Learning Support team also maintains good working links with FE colleges, chiefly Loughborough College, in order to aid the transition of pupils to FE after their GCSEs. Students are helped with the application process, taken for visits and interviews where necessary and information is provided to the FE colleges orally and in references and files sent to them. Similar information is provided to other colleges and training establishments.
Contact details of support services
Special Educational Needs Information and Advice Service (SENDIAS) can provide support to families. SENDIAS is a confidential and impartial service that supports families who have children with special educational needs. They support families of children and young people aged 0-19 years with any educational issues and can signpost to appropriate family support. Children do not need to have an EHC plan or medical diagnosis of disability to access the SENDIAS. They can be contacted on 01162575027 or 01163055614;
Parents are welcome to be supported in meetings and in their dealings with the Learning Support team by such agencies.
Local Offer
The Leicestershire Local Offer homepage has information about the services that are available locally. Click below to view: