The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Charnwood College

Charnwood College broadens the horizons of all students through high academic standards and unrivalled enrichment opportunities. Developing respectful, confident, articulate and motivated students.

Charnwood College Celebrates Arts Mark Gold Award

Loughborough’s Charnwood College, part of the David Ross Education Trust, are celebrating gaining ArtsMark Gold Award.

Alastair O’Connor, Principal at Charnwood College said “I am delighted with the achievements of the students and members of staff. The award not only celebrates their hard work but also recognises the wonderful culture they have created which allows all students to be involved and enjoy the Arts across the Academy”

The Arts Council who accredit the award said “We were impressed by Charnwood College’s strong commitment to the transformative power of the Arts, which is demonstrating measurable effects on teaching and learning across your academy trust and through national networks. SLT and Governor support, along with leading specialist teachers, drive an established range provision with local arts and cultural partnerships. Together, these are creating the conditions for increased uptake of arts subjects across KS3/4. There is an established curriculum with emerging progression pathways in the Arts. It is fantastic to hear about students supporting the CPD offer for staff and pupils at your feeder primaries, and about how you are beginning to embed Arts Award within the school.